Neuroscience Research Labs
Enrollment Details
The following labs are available for students who are interested in participating in Neuroscience research:
Explore below by clicking the card to visit the lab website.
Research Domains
- Behavioral Neuroscience Research in Stress (Conrad)
- The SOCIAL Neurobiology lab (Verpeut)
- Buman Lab (Buman)
- Visuomotor Learning Lab (Buneo)
- Neural Control of Movement Lab (Santello)
- Speech Language Genetics (Peter)
- Sensorimotor Development Research Laboratory (Ringenbach)
- Pathomechanics & Neuroimaging Laboratory (Ofori)
- Liss Lab (Liss)
- Cochlear Implant Research Laboratory (Dorman)
- Geometry Systems Laboratory (Wang)
- The Communication Neuroimaging Lab (Rogalsky)
- Visual Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (Bae)
- Visuomotor Learning Lab (Buneo)
- Auditory Computation & Neurophysiology Lab (Zhou)
- Signal Analysis, Representation and Perception (SARP) Lab (Berisha)
- The Communication Neuroimaging Lab (Rogalsky)
- Visual Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (Bae)
- Signal Analysis, Representation and Perception (SARP) Lab (Berisha)
- Speech and Brain Research Lab (Daliri)
- Speech Language Genetics (Peter)
- Liss Lab (Liss)
- Cochlear Implant Research Lab
- Craniofacial and Cleft Palate Laboratory (Scherer)