The Family Check-Up® 4 Health (FCU4Health) is an enhancement of the internationally-recognized, evidence-based Family Check-Up® (FCU). Both programs are brief, innovative, strengths-based interventions for children ages 2-17 years.
These programs:
- increase family engagement through motivation-enhancement strategies
- meet each family’s unique needs through a tailored approach using an ecological assessment
- are good fit for all parents because goals are adapted to the level of need
- promote positive child outcomes by improving parenting, parent-child relationships, and family management
- are an efficient, action-oriented approach that offers parents immediate tools and strategies
About FCU4H
More than 30 years of research with thousands of families from diverse economic and cultural groups show that the Family Check-Up® improves: parenting and parent-child relationships, child mental health, school readiness and academic achievement, and child physical health; and reduces: parental depression, child abuse; neglect, teen substance use, and suicide risk.
Outcomes of the Family Check-Up® 4 Health
A recent randomized Family Check-Up® 4 Health trial with 240 families of 6-12 year-olds found that the program:
- parenting and parent-child relationships
- family health routines
- child self-regulation
- diet and eating behaviors
And reduces:
- parental depression
- child emotional problems
- child behavioral problems
“The FCU4Health coordinator finds a way to get to the deep heart of the problem and then using my abilities, limitations and skills lets me solve my own problem, but she brings it up to the surface… We started doing story time before bedtime and having a really consistent routine and so now the kids get so excited about story time and we get time to cuddle up in my bed, which is like their favorite place to be. We read a story, each of them gets to pick a story, because I’ve got a six-year-old and I’ve got a four-year-old. The other important thing is that, by building this evening routine my husband and I are also now on the same page.”
- FCU4Health Family Testimonial
What is Everyday Parenting®?
Everyday Parenting® is a step-by-step guide to strengthen positive parenting skills that is tailored to meet the specific needs and strengths of individual families.

“FCU4Health is a great way to structure participation from the moment of engagement and allowing families a sense of autonomy and direct involvement in their own services. As a coordinator, I am able to gather information and help families to gain a better understanding of what needs they have for their family. FCU4Health has not only provided an additional evidenced-based intervention to facilitate wrap-around services, but also strengthened my skills as a therapist for families.”
- FCU4Health Coordinator Testimonial
Implementation Model
Training options include online and virtual support as well as in-person training. Although providers are generally master’s level professionals with some clinical experience, the FCU4Health can also be delivered by paraprofessionals with training and consultation support.
Fidelity and quality assurance is supported through individualized and group consultation, in addition to our train-the trainer model so sites can build their own capacity to train and supervise.
From Everyday Parenting: A Professional’s Guide to Building Family Management Skills, © 2012 by T. J. Dishion, E. A. Stormshak, and K. A. Kavanagh, Champaign, IL: Research Press (, 800-519-2707).
Family Check-Up® 4 Health is a derivative of the model, federally registered trademark owned by the University of Oregon, Family Check-Up®