Individual Therapy

Services available at the Clinic

Therapy is available to children, adolescents and adults and is provided for a broad range of problems including anxiety, depression, family problems, stress, child behavior problems, relationship problems, anger issues, ADHD, sleeping disorders, and adjustment to chronic health problems.


The CPC does not provide emergency appointments, psychiatric evaluations, medical supervision, chemical dependency treatment programs, treatment for serious mental illness or child custody evaluations. Because the CPC is a training facility, some selectivity is involved in accepting clients for treatment. For individuals who cannot be seen immediately, every effort is made to refer them to an alternative service provider.

Individual Therapy at the ASU Clinical Psychology Center

The CPC also offers psychological evaluations and specialized group programs

Contact us

Our graduate student clinicians specializes in the treatment of:

  • Common mental disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Depression
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • ADHD
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Substance Use Disorders
  • Adjustment to a medical diagnosis or chronic pain symptoms
  • Anger issues 
  • Interpersonal problems 

Our child and family team specializes in:

  • Child anxiety and/or mood disorder
  • ADHD - including evaluation and behavioral intervention
  • Parent-child communication and effective discipline
  • Divorce adjustment in low conflict families
  • Reducing tantrums
  • Improving ability to follow directions
  • Social skills training 
  • Depression
  • Impulse Control and Conduct Disorders