Future of Education for Virtual and Augmented Reality (FEVAR)

Future of Education for Virtual and Augmented Reality (FEVAR) 

FEVAR is a special interest group that brings together students and faculty with a common interest in the potential for enhancing education and training through Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (commonly called XR). The group connects participants with new opportunities, shares knowledge, and serves to create transdisciplinary partnerships in research.

  • Join our mailing list: Stay informed about upcoming events by joining our mailing list! To sign up, email Ben Falandays at bfalandays@asu.edu


  • Dr. Mina C. Johnson-Glenberg
  • Dr. J. Ben Falandays

Team members:


Upcoming Meetings:

Attend virtually: https://asu.zoom.us/j/84527654804

Thursdays: 3 PM MST

Talk Series Fall 2024 Schedule:


FEVAR Talk Series: Spring 2024

January 18, 2024 

  • Joshua Clingo
    UC Merced

VR is often used to either control or manipulate perception but it has recently been implicated as a tool to acutely induce altered states akin to those in psychedelic, dissociative, and meditative practice. Joshua Clingo will discuss his work in exploring VR as a neuromodulatory tool to treat mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety, as well as its potential application in fostering creativity and attention in education.

February 8, 2024

  • Two speakers: Ricardo Eiris and Heejin Jeong

Dr. Ricardo Eiris will discuss “Virtual Site Visits Using Web-Based Social Spaces”: Site visits/field trips have been used by educators to engage students in active learning, assist traditional lessons, and foster deeper student learning experiences. Nevertheless, site visits present major logistical and accessibility challenges that reduce the number of students who can have access. This talk introduces device agnostic (e.g., computers, mobile devices, head-mounted displays), web-based social spaces to deliver virtual site visits.

Dr. Heejin Jeong will discuss “Extended Reality in Occupational and Rehabilitation Training”: XR training systems play a crucial role in assisting individuals in acquiring new skills or regaining lost ones. This talk introduces several XR training projects employing intelligent systems featuring display-based AR and wearable biosensing technology. The aim is to assist occupational trainees and individuals undergoing physical and cognitive rehabilitation.

March 21, 2024

  • Robb Lindgren
    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Dr. Robb Lindgren discusses recent work using XR technologies to facilitate collaboration in undergraduate astronomy classrooms. By selectively combining AR headsets with lower-tech platforms such as tablet computers, a shared representational space is created where students can communicate and share perspectives while engaging in problem-solving tasks.

April 18, 2024

  • Julia Chatain
    ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)

Dr. Julia Chatain explores the interplay between embodied learning, embodied interaction and avatar embodiment. Her work has significant implications for designing embodied learning activities in VR for mathematics in higher education. She also examines individual differences in learning and the sensemaking of abstract concepts.

FEVAR Talk Series: Spring 2023

Dr. Iulian Radu

XR Emerging Technologies in Education

Principal Research Scientist - Graduate School of Education, Harvard University

Presenting experiments and results of research using AR for STEM education.

Youtube (presentations and demos) 


Website (all my projects) http://iulianr.com/

Dr. Peter Gerjets

Key Lab Members

Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien - Multimodal Interaction Lab

Univerity of Tübingen, Germany


Dr. Robert LiKamWa 

Director of Meteor Studio, ASU

School of Arts, Media and Engineering (AME) and School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)

Presenting student-driven research and design projects in AR and VR, including production of new sensory affordances in smell and haptics, and explorations of new use cases in data-driven storytelling and sensemaking.  https://meteor.ame.asu.edu/


Dr. Aurel Coza 

Dr. Mina C. Johnson-Glenberg

Aurel - Director Center for Engagement Science at Ira Fulton School of Engineering.

Presenting on VR, biometrics and wearables.

ASU Center for Engagement Science



Mina – Director of the Embodied Games Lab in the Psychology Department. 

Presenting on optimal design principles for educational VR and how biometrics can be used to further assess engagement and cognitive load. 



Dr. Lila Bozgeyikli

University of Arizona's School of Information, and co-director of the Extended Reality and Games (XRG) Lab. 

Presenting on lab research including:

Novel interaction methods to improve user experience in virtual and mixed reality

Increasing the sense of presence through real/virtual objects, and improving social presence in multiplayer VR through rendering HMD-wearing user's eyes on a headset

Leveraging VR for rehabilitation of veterans with traumatic brain injury  https://ischool.arizona.edu/xrg-lab


Dr. Candace Walkington

Southern Methodist University

Associate Professor

Presenting on how AR allows learners to interact with dynamic holograms layered over real-world scenes, providing important opportunities for embodiment and collaboration. She will also present her research on designing and testing a multi-user AR environment for secondary school geometry where students collaboratively interact with 2D and 3D shapes.



Dr. Steven K. Ayer

Karan Patil 

Del E. Webb School of Construction

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, ASU


Steve will present on recent construction content with XR in his lab. Karan will present on the design of, and some results from, a VR simulation he created to train in construction safety.

They invite FEVAR attendees to come to their center before or after the talk and experience their VR/haptic scenario; contact Karan.Patil@asu.edu for more info.

Watch the Series Talk on-demand.