A graduate certificate is a great option for students who have graduated with a bachelor's degree and are looking to make a difference. Our programs in addiction and prevention science are answering the needs from our community, specifically in fighting opioid addiction and creating qualified students to take the licensed substance abuse counseling certification, and in implementing existing evidence-based interventions in community settings, like schools to prevent things like suicide and addiction. This programs are now live and are available 100% online.
Shobhna Kuma
Vimeo Embed Test
https://vimeo.com/370355950/d790fd49c6Intern: Alexandra Dalbec
Major(s)/Minor(s): Psychology, minor in Communication
Semester of Internship: Fall 2019
Internship Site: The American Red Cross of Greater Phoenix
Give an overview of your site and what you did while interning there.
2019 ASU Cognitive Science Symposium
Supported by the Robert B. Cialdini Leap Forward Fund
Sharon Manne Graduate Student Research Award Application