Psychology Major Description

Psychology Major Description

The psychology major consists of 37 credits of psychology.  Grades of C or better needed in all major requirements.

Psychology Major Requirements

Core (10 credits): 

  • PSY 101-Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)
  • PSY 230-Introduction to Statistics (3 credits)
  • PSY 290-Research Methods (4 credits)*

*Note:  PSY students must complete two lab sciences other than PSY 290 for the SQ and SQ/SG general education lab science requirement.

PSY Breadth [12 credits]:  Complete four courses from four of the five areas within psychology:

  • Personality: PSY 315-Personality Theory and Research or PSY 366-Abnormal Psychology
  • Cognitive: PSY 320-Learning and Motivation or PSY 323-Sensation and Perception or PSY 324-Memory and Cognition
  • Developmental:  PSY 341-Developmental Psychology
  • Social:  PSY 350 (or PSY 351-Honors)-Social Psychology
  • Biological: PSY 325-Physiological Psychology

PSY Depth [6 credits]: Complete two PSY courses at the 400 level.  Choose from:

  • PSY 400 Topics in Neuroscience
  • PSY 414 History of Psychology
  • PSY 420  Analysis of Behavior
  • PSY 424 Genetic Psychology
  • PSY 425 Biological Bases of Behavior
  • PSY 426 Neuroanatomy
  • PSY 430 Industrial Psychology
  • PSY 432 Embodied Cognition
  • PSY 434 Cognitive Psychology
  • PSY 437 Human Factors
  • PSY 441 Cognitive Development
  • PSY 443 Abnormal Child Psychology
  • PSY 444 Adolescent Psychology and Psychopathology
  • PSY 446 Social Development
  • PSY 447 Psychology of Aging
  • PSY 451 Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination 
  • PSY 458 Group Dynamics
  • PSY 461 Interpersonal Influence
  • PSY 462 Health Psychology
  • PSY 465 Psychology of Stress and Coping
  • PSY 468 Psychology and Law
  • PSY 470 Psychopharmacology
  • PSY 471 Psychological Testing
  • PSY 472 Clinical Psychology
  • PSY 498 Pro-Seminar CLAS offered PSY 498s only

PSY Upper Division Electives (6 credits): 
Complete two upper division PSY courses. Upper division means courses numbered 300 or higher.

NOTE LIMITATIONS:  We have several limitations that apply to the PSY electives

  • Maximum of 6 total credits from PSY 384, PSY 399, PSY 499, PSY 492, PSY 493, or PSY 484 may apply to major electives.
  • Maximum of 3 credits of PSY 394-Special Topics may be used to satisfy major elective requirements.

PSY Elective (3 credits.) 
Choose one PSY elective

*NOTE LIMITATIONS:  We have several limitations that apply to the PSY electives.

  • Maximum of 6 total credits from PSY 384, PSY 399, PSY 499, PSY 492, PSY 493, or PSY 484 may apply to major electives.
  • Maximum of 3 credits of PSY 394-Special Topics may be used to satisfy major elective requirements.


In addition to the above PSY major requirements all PSY majors must complete the Related Area requirements (C grades or higher needed in all Related Area requirements):

  1. Math (3 credits):  MAT 119 –Finite Math or  MAT 170 Precalculus
  2. Foundation of Behavior (12 credits):  Choose courses from these prefixes: ASB ASM BIO GCU HPS PHI SOC