Sharon Manne Graduate Student Research Award

Sharon Manne Graduate Student Research Award Application

The Sharon Manne Graduate Student Research Award is designed to facilitate the research and professional success of graduate students in the Psychology Department’s PhD programs who are studying questions within the broad domains of health psychology, clinical psychology, and behavioral neuroscience that address important and timely mental and physical health issues. Students in developmental and social psychology may apply if their research is focused on aspects of physical and mental health. The award will fund both basic and applied investigations.

Dr. Manne is currently a Professor in the Department of Medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine and is the Associate Director of Cancer Prevention & Control at the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. She was a doctoral student in ASU’s clinical psychology program and was mentored by (among others) Alex Zautra and Irwin Sandler. She is extremely grateful for the intellectually rigorous training she received at ASU, and wishes to facilitate the research and professional development of ASU graduate students.

A total of $25,000 is available to be awarded, and the Manne Award Committee can use the funds to support more than one meritorious application. Funds can be used for study-related expenses, with the operating principle being that the funds should enhance a student’s research and its eventual dissemination. The award may be used to facilitate aspects of a master’s or dissertation project for which a student’s mentor does not have sufficient support. However, the award can also be used to support pilot studies that fall outside the purview of the master’s or dissertation project. The quality and originality of the research is a paramount consideration.


  1. Applicants must be in good standing in their respective graduate program and have a record of achieving program milestones in a timely manner.
  2. The proposed project must include a quantitative component.
  3. If the proposed project is linked to a larger funded project, the proposed research focus must represent the student’s original idea worthy of inclusion in a master’s or dissertation project, rather than being a component of a mentor’s existing project. In other words, the express purpose of the Manne award is to enhance a student’s research capacities---but not to provide additional funding to a mentor’s grant.
  4. Applicants must agree that if their proposal is funded, they will provide progress updates to the Manne Award Committee, and a final brief report describing the project and its outcome to the Committee and to Dr. Manne.

To apply for the Manne Award, please submit a proposal that includes the following components:

  1. A face page listing:
    1. Your name
    2. Project title
    3. Specific topic area addressed
    4. Your graduate program within the Psychology department
    5. Your year in the program
    6. Your faculty mentor
    7. A summary of the background, specific aims, and methods of the proposed project (4 to 6 typed, single-spaced pages, 1-inch margins, 12 point font).
    8. A detailed budget indicating all the expenses to be covered by the award (e.g., equipment, software, participant payments, travel to conferences to present one’s own work, workshop attendance to learn new skills, publication fees, a stipend to buy time to complete the project).
    9. A timeline for completion of the project (normally expected to be 1 year; applicant should justify a longer period).
    10. A brief statement regarding precisely how the receipt of the award will facilitate the student’s success in his/her graduate program.
    11. A current curriculum vita.
    12. A letter of support from your mentor attesting to (a) your standing in the graduate program, (b) the suitability of the project for the Manne award (its relevance to mental and/or physical health), (c) the independence of the project from the mentor’s own research program, and (d) the appropriateness of the proposed budget and timeline. The student is responsible for obtaining the mentor letter and including it as part of the submission materials.

DUE DATE: Please submit all materials online by 5 PM on April 1, 2024.

Funding Availability: Funding for the project will become available on July 1.

Questions? Contact Mary Davis, PhD