Graduate Teaching Awards

The Teaching Faculty would like to recognize outstanding contributions to undergraduate student education in psychology and neuroscience from our amazing graduate students! Achievements in teaching or course support are recognized, as well as high levels of innovation, commitment, flexibility, and support for achieving the objectives of the course.  

Who is Eligible?

Applicants must be ASU Department of Psychology graduate students who:

  • Have completed a minimum of one semester of graduate study at ASU
  • Have been a TA for at least one ASU undergraduate course section prior to the time of application
  • Have been a TA in the eligible semesters (Spring, Fall, and/or Summer of the previous calendar year)
  • Have not previously won the Graduate Student Teaching Award (in a given category; those who did not receive a financial award in the previous calendar year may re-apply)

What Are the Application Categories?

Applicants can apply in only one of the following categories in a given award period.

Category 1: Graduate Student Pedagogy Award

This category requires that the applicant has taught an undergraduate lab section or been an instructor of record for their own course. Evaluation criteria will focus on excellence in teaching, with course support also considered as supplementary.

Category 2: Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award

This category requires that the applicant has served as a teaching assistant for at least one course and does not require independent teaching. Evaluation criteria will focus on excellence in providing course support, assisting faculty, and fostering student learning.

How Do I Apply?

Applications require submission of 2 forms: the student application form and the recommendation form from the supervising professor.

  • If you are applying for the Category 1: Pedagogy Award, your supervising professor will be the instructor of record for the lab section you taught or the professor supervising your independent course.
  • If you are applying for the Category 2: Teaching Assistant Award, your supervising professor will be the instructor of record for at least one of the courses you had TA'ed for during the award-eligible semesters.

Applicants will send the supervising professor an email with a link to a confidential form to fill out regarding the student’s performance. The professor will complete and submit that form separately. 

Although students can include multiple TA assignments in their application - only one professor will provide feedback.

Applications are due by March 20.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Christina Pedram at or Carolyn Cavanaugh Toft at